
[Linkin Park] Hands Held High

Turn my mic up louder, I got to say somethin.
打開我的麥克風 轉大聲 仔細聽我說
Light weight step it aside, when we comin.
當我們來時 輕量級選手們就通通讓開
Feel it in your chest, the syllables get pumpin.
用你的胸膛一起感應 音節砰然跳動
People on the street, they panic and start running.
街上的人們該開始慌張 不停奔跑
Words on loose leaf, sheet complete coming.
I jump on my mind, I summon the rhyme of dumping.
Feeling the blind, I promise to let the sun in.
治癒矇蔽 我承諾要讓陽光灑落
Sick of the dark ways, we march to the drumming.
Jump when they tell us they want to see jumping.
以及一個口令一個動作 都感到十分厭煩
Fuck that, I want to see some fist pumping.
去它的 我要看見拳頭揮舞
Risk something. Take backwards yours
冒險吧 奪回本來就屬於你的
Say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before.
因為我已厭煩 他們用一樣的方式對待我
Like a stupid standing for what I'm standing for.
Like this war is really just a different brand of war.
好像這場戰爭 只是名目不同的另一場戰爭
Like a dozen catered rich and an abandoned poor.
Like they understand you in the back of the jet, When you can't put gas in your tank.
好像他們很了解你 就像當你無法加滿你的油箱
These fuckers are laughing their wayto the bank and cashing their check
這些混蛋一路笑著到銀行 兌現他們的支票
asking you to have compassion and to have some respect.
要求你刻意地去同情 去尊敬

For a leader so nervous in unobvious ways
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
and the rest of the world watching at the end of the day in the living room laughing
like what do we say?

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen

In my living room watching, But I am not laughing.
在我的客廳裡看著 但是我沒有笑
'Cause when it gets tense, I know what might happen.
The world is cold, The bold men take action.
這世界太冷漠 魯莽的人將採取行動
Have to react, To getting blown into fractions.
必須有所反應 不然這世界就會分裂成碎片

10 years old is something to see,
Another kid my age drugged under a G,
Taking about and found later under a tree,
還有一個被遭綑綁 最後在樹下獲救
I wonder if he thought the next one could be me.
Do you see?
The soldiers that are out today.
阿兵哥們 他們今天出發
That brush the dust with bulletproof vests away.
It's ironic.
At times like this you pray,
在這樣的時候 你會祈禱
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads,
炸彈在公車上 單車上 街道上
inside your markets,your shops, your coves,
在你的市場裡 商店裡 衣服裡/
My dad, he's got a lot of fear I know
but enough pride inside to let that show.
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine.
In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,
在書的在封底 他在裡面寫下一句引述
when the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
"當富者引爆戰爭 喪命的卻是窮人"

Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
就在同時 一個領導人仍不停地說
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
and the rest of the world watching at the end of the day both scared and angry
like what do we say?

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

With hands held high into a sky so blue
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.
